Saturday, December 11, 2010

in-reading notes: palimpsest

So far, it's beautiful and confusing and complex and both real and utterly unreal, like a dream and the real world crashing into each other because they're in love.


This book is distractingly gorgeous. I want to blow through it and absorb it whole, but in certain sections, every page has such beautiful language that I keep having to stop to write it down so I won't forget it, and the lines strung together sound like poetry. It's fantastically absorbing, incredibly involving, and at the same time, impossible to read quickly, so it's probably going to go on hold again until after the next few books that I'm required to read.

None of this is at all a bad thing, I just don't have the schedule for leisurely reading any more-- I've become a book-eating monster who gobbles them up in a few big bites over the course of a few days, and this one just refuses to be taken that way.
(from my Goodreads pages)

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