Monday, June 29, 2009

linky links: books edition wk26

China Mieville has a list of Five Things Someone Else Should Do, and some of them are really flippin' sweet story ideas. Which is why the comments were so full of people all ready for an idea exchange.

Twitterlit posts the first lines of books and such to get people to read more. Awesome. Because twitter itself kind of makes people read less.

A discussion of books about cute girls who kill monsters, in the spirit of Buffy. i'm totally adding to this list as soon as I can get this one book finished.

This is how I want my author-info page to look as I rework my website (slowly. slow as a glacier in summer).

An annotated list of books that launched nre specfic genres: Some of them I knew-- I mean, try not knowing about Neuromancer-- and some of them are entirely new to me, so I'll be tracing them down in my slow and random way.

Summer Reading from io9. Way more sexy than required reading in school. Maybe people wouldn't hate reading so much if the books forced upon them were sometimes more like Kusheil's Dart and less like Things Fall Apart.

Internet tipjars as a way to make a living writing? I think it's an awesome idea... but also depends on the kindness of people you can manage to reach through your webpage / facebook / etc, and I suck at that. but it's the sort of thing that feeds into my personal view that we should all tip for everything we appreciate. Like the book you just read? Send a dollar to the author. Think someone has a nice, well-behaved kid? Give the mom a fiver. Like someone's car or haircut or whatever? hand them a little tip. Just a dollar or a few coins each time, and everyone will always have a little spending money and money will stay mobile, and that's what we need right now!

Here's a story idea: Perpetual childhood. This girl is 16 years old, but looks 16 months, has the bones of a 10 year old, and may or may not be mentally stunted. She hasn't grown. What must that be like?

One day, I will be honored in National SF / F Writer's Day.

Yay linky links!

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